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What is Chatgpt?
What is Chatgpt?

What is ChatGPT? (introduction)

  /  April 17, 2023

ChatGPT is an interactive chatbot powered by an artificial intelligence language model created by the American Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory OpenAI.

You can ask the program any question in plain English (or other languages) and it will respond with readable output.

What is ChatGPT? Watch the demo below

What is ChatGPT Demo Gif
Demonstration of ChatGPT answering the question: What is ChatGPT? 2023

You can also give ChatGPT commands and requests, generally called ‘prompts’, such as

"Write a letter to my boss about why I need an increase in pay. Include reasons such as rising cost of living and a strong worth ethic. Write it in a professional tone."

Is Chat GPT Safe to Use?

Yes, Chat GPT is safe to use as it is an artificial intelligence language model and does not pose any physical harm to users. However, it’s important to note that the quality and accuracy of its responses are based on the input it receives, and it may sometimes generate inappropriate or offensive content due to its training data. Therefore, it’s recommended to use Chat GPT in a responsible and cautious manner, especially in public or professional settings.

What does ChatGPT Stand for?

Chat GPT stands for “Conversational Generative Pre-trained Transformer.” It refers to a type of artificial intelligence language model that has been trained on vast amounts of text data to generate human-like responses to natural language input.

The “Generative” aspect refers to its ability to generate new text based on the context and input provided to it, and “Pre-trained” means that it has been trained on large datasets of text before being fine-tuned on specific tasks.

The “Transformer” architecture refers to the specific neural network architecture used to process and generate the text.

The term “Chat” in the name indicates that it is specifically designed for use in conversational applications such as chatbots or virtual assistants.

How much is ChatGPT per month?

ChatGPT Plus costs $20/month.

ChatGPT Plus Pricing

OpenAI offers a variety of pricing plans based on usage and API access, which are tailored to the specific needs of businesses and developers. These plans range from free to enterprise-level plans that offer higher usage limits, additional features, and dedicated support. You can check the OpenAI website for more information on pricing plans and options.

Is ChatGPT an app or website?

ChatGPT is an AI language model created by OpenAI, which can be integrated into various platforms such as apps and websites. So, ChatGPT can be used as an app or a website depending on how it is implemented by developers.

There are a number of apps available that offer mobile phone users access to ChatGPT. Just search for ChatGPT in your mobile app store.

Dave Halmai, Internet Marketer
Founder of AI Sashimi. I write about AI, ChatGPT, business acceleration, SEO and content marketing. My hobbies are blogging, investing, hiking and reading.

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